Save. Spend. Splurge.

All I own

I have a fascination with looking at what people own, and what they carry around everyday in their bags or purses. So it’s no secret that this particular photography project by Sannah Kvist entitled All I Own, caught my interest immediately.

It’s even more interesting because it’s more relevant to me — it features young people and what they own, whereas other projects seemed to focus on families with kids who show what they own in their house.

I went through all 9 photos, and this particular one is probably the closest to what I own, aside from the cat, all the furniture, and books. 🙂 In their stead, I have electronics.


What I own personally is mostly stuff in my wardrobe, basic office supplies, toiletries & makeup, and a LOT of electronics.

Otherwise, household things are cutlery, pots, pans, and knives.

We don’t own any furniture (every hotel has the basics), and everything we BOTH own jointly and personally, fits into one car in suitcases.

…although now that things are changing in my life (more on that next week), I have to cut my wardrobe down in half again, as per BF’s stern, exasperated outburst last week: “IT JUST ISN’T GOING TO FIT IN THE CAR!!!!

Okay.. okay… Point taken.

(Although I will point out that it all DID FIT IN THE CAR….barely)

The All I Own photography project can and should be perused.

It is my inspiration for the upcoming week as I go through my things again.


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