Week of Money: Where Little Bun floors me with his insight
3:40 p.m. — We started making a list of tasks we all do at home.
Little Bun: *proudly* I put 15 hours to account for my tasks at home
Partner: But you missed a decimal here, it doesn’t add up. It should be 1.5 hours. Not 15. It’s half an hour per weekday.
Little Bun: *pauses slowly* I put what I put. *smiles*
Lol!!! The way he said it, so definitively – Oh well, that’s what it is, 15 hours or 1.5 hours it’s what it is now, on paper. NO BACKSIES
12:11 p.m. — This made me laugh so hard.
8:08 a.m. — I start every morning with this cup because I need it
3:40 p.m. — And I show this to Little Bun because it blew my mind just how big Africa really is.
6:25 p.m. — At night, I stop working and go to Little Bun in the bedroom.
Little Bun: Mommy let’s play Stuffie Among Us!
(Mash up of a video game and Stuffies)
Babiest Stuffie: Are there cookies?
Little Bun: No. At the end you get them
Babiest Stuffie: Not during?
Little Bun: No. Then the cookies at the end wouldn’t be as yummy if you got them all the time. End cookies are yummier once the game is done. Not during!
Babiest Stuffie: I dunno about that…
Little Bun: No in-game snacking!!
10:25 a.m. — THIS IS SO TRUE
3:25 p.m. — After washing up, Little Bun made these cool hand bubbles and made me take pictures. He loves documenting everything, I think he takes it from me, I take pictures of everything too.
8:08 a.m. — On my screensaver, it has different words for hello in various languages… and Little Bun’s favourite is this one because it’s rainbow coloured
Little Bun: MOMMY LOOK!! LOOK!!!!!
Me: Oh, yes I see it.
Me: Well I saw it before already, I know what it looks like. I don’t really need to see it again..
Little Bun: *pauses*… *takes a bite of his yoghurt*.. Well I don’t think it stops us from being able to appreciate its beauty each time it happens even though we have seen it again.
Me: *floored*.. You are so right. We should take the time to appreciate it each time it happens.
Want more? Read all of my previous Week of Money Diaries.
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