Money Talk: Did you know how much your parents earned when you were a child?
..and now in hindsight I see how unsustainable it is.
A Woman’s Place is in the Home apparently. /sarcasm
I am only just realizing how sexist my partner’s side of the family is. My partner’s sister thinks I’m a lazy git — that I don’t do anything and I hav
Week of Money: Home sweet home..
DAY ONE 4:01 a.m. — Jet lag. We are all up early. Little Bun is super chirpy and full of sunshine. At 4 a.m. I’m just.. tired. It looks dark outside. I tried to sleep more
Stop comparing children to each other
This one, infuriated me the most. It really did. You cannot compare children to each other. Every child is different. Some are more “likable” and others are less “
On having a second
I must confess. As of late, I have been consumed and obsessed with the idea of confirming to myself if I should have a second child or not. PROS TO A SECOND CHILD A sibling for Lit
Every family is f*cked up in its own way
So regular readers will remember my trials and tribulations with my own family (geared around money mostly) but thankfully in recent years this has mellowed down to where we are in
Little Bun and Class Anxiety about raising him
And now, how do I make sure that Little Bun stays grounded?