Should there only be one breadwinner in the family?
An interesting post states that from a rational, economic standpoint, there should only be ONE breadwinner in a family, not two: While many will argue that the theory of Comparativ
Why my child will be saving for his own education fund even before he turns one
I already wrote a post on why I am NOT saving for my son’s future education but I didn’t mention the most crucial part: He’s going to start saving (right now befo
Lazy children aren’t allowed to fail in Canada
..and it’s not doing them any favours. In my mind, the main reason why I feel education of children is far better in France (and possibly other parts of Europe but i haven
My mother thinks I’m going to be too hard on my children
Totally random post, but just the other day as we’re talking about Baby Bun, I voiced a few opinions about how I planned on raising my children. Giving them responsibilities
When should a woman have her first child or baby?
Reading this article from the L.A. Times annoyed me: Survey: Majority of Americans say women should have first child by 25 When should a women have her first baby? A majority of Am
I saw the worst behaved children on the subway yesterday
As the title says, I was on the subway the other day and saw three of the worst behaved children I have seen in all my years of riding the TTC. Yeah, I’ve seen a couple befor
Why I won’t be paying for my children’s college education
… increased parental financial investment actually decreases GPA, though it does increase the odds of graduation within five years. … these findings suggest that studen
Is it worth it to be self-employed in Canada and getting maternity or sick leave benefits?
As a self-employed person living in Canada, I pretty much assume the following: If I am sick while on contract, I lose money (I charge by the hour; no show, no pay) If I have to ta
When did it become taboo to fail and recognize your limits?
I’ve been thinking a lot lately. Mostly reflecting on random things, and it struck me one day that as a society, we’re pretty comfortable with being average or mediocre
My parents won the lottery and then wasted most of it on themselves
Some of you are going to find this post harsh to read, but it’s really what has happened. I’m trying to tell the story as objectively as I can. My parents won a small l