Bonus Stuffie Adventure: The Starbucks for Life Game
Little Bun LOVES Starbucks for Life, which is a holiday game that happens annually. This year, they added a little bonus story about Basil the Mouse. It starts like this: Little Bu
Bonus Stuffie Life: The Nighttime Bedtime Routine for the Stuffies by Little Bun
Every night, we play a little with the Stuffies and blocks before bedtime, and here’s a sneak peek into one of the bedtime routines. Babiest Stuffie: “MAKE ME OUT OF BL
Bonus: Stuffie Adventures – Growing a Garden, Going to the Beach & on Bread Watch
Stuffies Go on Garden Duty Today, Little Bun decided the Stuffies would grow a garden. First, Babiest Stuffie got dressed in his normcore white tee that I hand-sewed (can you tell!
Ask Sherry: Am I an ungrateful child?
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Hi Sherry, long time reader, first time reaching out! I wante
What’s your Money Origin Story?
Everyone has at least one. Your Money Origin Stories. Or what made you decide to either take charge of your finances, or a certain situation that stands out in your mind as THE def
What else you can use in Canada to save for your child if you have already maxed out your Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
So I always put in $2500 a year for Little Bun’s RESP to get the maximum 20% match from the government and the province. I don’t put in more than $2500 because at the r
How not to raise a privileged brat… (things I am trying at home)
So. Privileged brat. This is a #FirstWorldProblem angst a lot of us newly-minted folks feel, especially since we aren’t used to thinking about it at all. The key for me, is t
Bonus: Little Bun’s Stuffie Scavenger Hunt
I am separately posting this because I don’t want to bury it into a Week of Money post. It’s too cute not to share. Little Bun: Mommy, the Stuffies have to go on a scav
Elite schools do not necessarily mean your child will succeed
I could bore you with the details on my PhD dissertation research – but in a nutshell how a child learns/performs/insert favorite performance adjective here in school depends
Fun Math for Kids: How to teach children binary and decimal numbers easily
Little Bun recently asked me to teach him binary numbers because he read it in his book here – Computers & Coding – but the section teaching it was so tiny and not