Learning Resources for Children – Remote School Education
I have been seeing a lot of resources pop up, and I figured I’d make a page to collect all of the information, as I post it normally in my Instagram Stories but it might be u
Learning Apps approved by Baby / Little Bun for English, Math, Science, Geography & Coding
Baby Bun (now Little Bun as he is older) has been playing with apps since he was 18 months old. Bla bla bla, screentime, and all, but he has learned so much from them it is amazing
Ask Sherry: On Adoption and Traveling to different Countries and Cities
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Would you have adopted a child or considered egg donation if
How I got Little Bun to read and do math by the age of 3
So a little bit of background, Little Bun is 5 at the time of this writing, and in brief: English – He reads my emails out loud, he understands instructions in his activity b
Ask Sherry: What’s my retirement age, and how do I childproof my place?
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! At what age do you think you would like to retire (not work professionally at all)? 65? 60? 50? I have no i
On having a second
I must confess. As of late, I have been consumed and obsessed with the idea of confirming to myself if I should have a second child or not. PROS TO A SECOND CHILD A sibling for Lit
How I recently kicked my newfound addiction to spending…
I've been frittering away money in small sums which adds up very quickly to a big bill at the end of the month.
A Week of Money: Where Yoga Makes My Body Ache
A Week of Money where I start yoga daily and it is AWESOME.