In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
If you need inspiration on cleaning out your closet, such as paring down your shoes, READ THIS POST!!!
Take the time to smell..er…watch the flowers, would ya?
Another thoughtful post from Jenine about being pretty or chic.
I love roti prata so much.. I WANT THIS MACHINE DAMN IT.
These comparison photos of Mariah Carey untouched and retouched shouldn’t make anyone wonder why girls and women grow up to have such horrible body image issues.
This Spenderella series from The Budget Bloggess is so clever. They’re like modern fairytales.
I am lusting after the Sony RX100 III. I own the original RX100 and love it, so I probably won’t upgrade, but… droooooool!!!!!!
Want to make $1000 a month and blog for money? Read this post.
I may talk a lot of smack about having lived in the U.S.….. but nothing beats its citizens when you read stories like this or this one which made me sniffle a little.
I find Americans very patriotic (World Cup 2014, anyone?), on the whole, generous, friendly and kind… which is why their ragingly heated debates over universal healthcare for instance, boggle my mind because we all know American healthcare is overpriced beyond belief.
How can such good people be on such polarizing, opposite sides?
Eat and drink a lot of processed / packaged foods? You’d be surprised to find out that they’re pretty much all owned by only 10 companies.
This is not surprising to me because I know companies like Coca-Cola wait for grassroots companies to grow to a sizeable company before acquiring them, so no wonder they’re all consolidating left and right.
Would these money microagressions bother you? For me, I don’t really care if people see that I drive a beater car, and rent instead of own a place. Or that I bring my own lunch and don’t own a cellphone because it’s unnecessary.
Just check out these .
I particularly like the section about their routines.
Via Charlotte
Blog for money? Maybe you should read this post and think twice about selling paid links.
Is it kind of ridiculous for me to wish for a fancy fannypack? Like this one from Clare Vivier?
Ever since I realized I need both hands for a baby at all times (even if he’s strapped in a stroller), I am dreaming of something chic to strap around my waist..
I know these are technically throws / blankets.. but they’d be perfect as blanket scarves. Just the right dimensions at 50″ x 72″.
..and they’re made in the U.S.!
Gia T.
Merci beaucoup for the link love! 😀
Kassandra @ More Than Just Money
I liked the productivity/routine stats on the wealthy, looks like I’m on my way since I employ the majority of them. I should listen to more podcasts but my commute to work is pretty short, just a few steps between the the bedroom to the desk.
Taylor Lee
I remember my mom started wearing a fanny pack after my brother was born. And then, for work, she crafted one herself out of a cupholder and belt which held her calculator, notebooks, pens, and whatnot. Surprisingly chic.
Jessica Moorhouse
Thanks for the link love girl!
Jay @ ThinkingWealthy.com
Great list. The very first one about the cost of texting to vote is hilarious and things people overlook.
Thanks for linking to the info graphic I posted!
You’re absolutely not crazy to want a fanny pack..there’s a woman in my building who wears one when she’s out pushing her baby stroller and she looks killer stylish in it. If you like it, you’ll own it!
Thanks for the shout out!! I can’t wait to check these out will have to do it later today as I am going to the mountains (no internet at 12,000 feet). As for #10 the thing you have to understand about Americans is that we are like the unpredictable Uncle that you invite to Holiday Dinner. You never know exactly what crazy Uncle is about to do but you go along for the ride.
I am American and having lived in other places I notice that what frustrates people about us (especially if you’re from: Canada/Australia/England) is that we are not civilized in the way that you would think we would be and in a way that you feel we should logically be. And it drives people crazy.
But, we metaphorically “ran away” from the mother England so those softening influences were rejected from the beginning of our history. Or, we’re just plain nuts 🙂
Thanks for sharing the infographic with the handful of companies owning all the others — I’ve been looking for that one for awhile! Going to use in a post, will link back to you =)
Also LOVE the habits of the wealthy vs. poor. You always find such cool stuff!! I LOVE THESE POSTS!!
Where do you get such interesting links? Do you go on reddit?