Travel FAQ: Where to buy high-quality authentic saffron in Madrid, Spain
I always come to this particular market to buy saffron in Madrid, Spain. In Canada, to find this particular quality of saffron, you need to pay a lot more for it in speciality stor
Top 10 Essential Accessories for Men and Women
I talked about the 10 Essential Items in a Wardrobe for Men and Women, and here are my 10 Essential Accessories for Women. Men, you really only need the following 5 accessories: A
Men: How a suit, shirt, pair of pants and shoes make your entire outfit
For the guys who read this blog, I decided that since I don’t know anything about fashion for guys beyond what I think looks stupid (like baggy jeans belted around your crotc
Top Designer Resale Consignment Shops in Toronto Ontario
Visiting or living in Montreal? I wrote a list for the top consignment designer resale shops for Montreal too. To re-iterate, I don’t like shopping for outdated, “vinta
Top Designer Resale Consignment Shops in Montreal Quebec
Top consignment and resale shops in Montreal Quebec that I love to frequent.
How to increase the luxe factor of your wardrobe without breaking the bank
The key is really to mix low and high pieces, as in more expensive shoes, jackets and handbags, and less expensive things like tops or accessories. 5 BASIC RULES ON HOW TO PICK NIC
Is $200 now my minimum price point for any given piece of clothing?
Everything costs way more money now, for what I consider to be pretty basic items. It’s not just me either. This article sums it up — a plain white T for $7 or $70? “
Review: The Beauty Blender Makeup Sponge
Best $23 I ever spent on a makeup brush or tool was this Beauty Blender Makeup Sponge. I won’t ever apply foundation (cream or liquid) again without this sponge if I am going
Paula’s Choice: The Brand and its Products (Review)
I was a huge fan of Paula’s Choice back in the day before I went on this natural kick and tried to switch over to products that were more “natural” (by natural I
Review of the Muubaa Reval Leather Jacket with Sizing Help (Compare with Mackage Aritzia, m0851 and All Saints)
Muubaa is a leather brand not really known here in North America. I only found it by Googling: What leather jacket should I buy? and came across its name. The one thing I found rea