Ask Sherry: Where classy flannel shirts seem like an oxymoron but aren’t
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Hi! My Mom asked for a ‘classy’ flannel shirt for Christmas. I have no idea what that means, but it needs to be not too thick but cozy and something she can wear outside of the house. Do you have any ideas on where to start looking for something like this? Thank you! Your faithful reader, Sense 🙂
Classy + Flannel seem like words that don’t go together until you start searching in certain brands that seem to excel in this while still staying modern in its cut.
You are in LUCK because this season it seems like plaid flannel is making a comeback.
Honestly, I’d wear these very pretty plaid flannel shirts if flannel was my thing.
For a true “plaid” shirt that is a classic fit, this Ralph Lauren one is nice, and so is this one from Ralph as well.
I also like this one from Express because the dark red and blue plaid are more subtle.
For something a little different, this Burberry one with a bow in front is rather chic, but also pricey, so here is the cheaper Banana Republic version with the same bow, and this Eileen Fisher one is v. pretty, although it is not as $$$ as Burberry.
I’m also assuming you meant “plaid” when you said flannel, but on the off chance you did not, I love love love this striped version by them (sort of want it) that also comes in pink stripes or this one as well.
Otherwise, Uniqlo also has flannel, in a solid colour.
The last one I would buy for my mother because she looks so good in pastels and pinks, would be this flannel shirt from Express which is also under $60, but if she is a little more daring and wants a nipped in waist, this Express “corseted” flannel shirt intrigued me, rather than all the other loosey-goosey boxy cuts I’ve been seeing.
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Thank you so much for this! The Uniglo one looks right up my Mom’s alley 🙂