Growing up poor, middle-class or upper-class – Experiences and differences
I loved this video of a couple that highlighted the differences between her growing up poor and him, upper class. Here are a few things of what they said: “When eating a meal, I
Ask Sherry: On raising children and life topics
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Hi, Sherry. This question is about raising children. I was wo
Fun Math for Kids: How to teach children binary and decimal numbers easily
Little Bun recently asked me to teach him binary numbers because he read it in his book here – Computers & Coding – but the section teaching it was so tiny and not
Starter Books for Children and Parents talking about Money
Books for Parents Make your Kid a Money Genius The Opposite of Spoiled Younger Children Berenstein Bears – Get the Gimmes Berenstein Bears – Trouble with Money Berenste
Being lazy is not a Millennnial thing, apparently
So.. I am apparently on the cusp of Millennnial-ism. People give me the side-eye when I say this but when I tell them how old I am, they Google it, and then agree with me. The reas
Money As You Grow
This is a nice, interactive website for parents called Money As You Grow to figure out what to teach their kids at what age group. I giggled when I read these lessons for 3-5 year