Week of Money: Where I start on my YouTube Channel
Editor’s Note: I was going through some personal issues, so there are 2 weeks missing from this instalment as I haven’t been able to muster any energy to write. I will
Week of Money: Where jealous, insecure, cowardly troll(s) get my Instagram @saverspender deactivated for “sexual content”
Pssst! Newest Youtube Video is my shopping haul from this summer. I will be doing these shopping hauls monthly now. DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up refreshed, and Little Bun snuggles i
Instagram Scrolling: What I saw on my feed this week
Might make this a fun feature. Tell me if you want to see more or not. This is basically what I am thinking as I am scrolling through my Instagram, short and sweet. (This is my lif
July 27, 2018
Sherry of Save. Spend. Splurge.
Ask Sherry: Where can I buy what you’re posting on Instagram?
..this is where I get all my stuff!