In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Brides for sale – Bulgaria’s Roma Bride Market
A fascinating video about brides for sale in Bulgaria. Unmarried women, married off to financially stable men, a tale as old as time. They go to a Bride Market, and try to c
Ask Sherry: What jobs pay well and let you work from home?
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Could you please give some examples of occupations that could
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: The average credit card debt in America is $9333
Average credit card debt in America. Are we surprised? If your household net worth is negative or zero, you tend to dip more into cards, which is why $10K makes sense to me, anyway
Ask Sherry: Most expensive items I’ve ever been given or purchased
Answers to "Ask Sherry Anything!" on investing, to my real name, to how we split the workload seeing as I am at home with Baby Bun most of the time and he is working outside of the
End of 2015: My current investments and allocation portfolio
So just to recap, my current net worth is: $547,022.49 Of that amount, I have approximately 58% of it invested and the rest in cash. ER….WHY SO MUCH IN CASH? Half of it is ac
Investing Series: You really don’t give a rat’s ass about your money, do you?
I am starting to realize that if you are a person who has…. ever randomly picked some mutual fund based on historical (past) returns haven’t looked at your return on s
Investing Series: What is the difference between weighted, listed, and effective MERs?
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- SHORT ANSWER: There is the “list” price of an MER (what the cost is), and the
Investing Series: Where I invest my money in index funds (ETFs) in Canada
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- I have almost every single penny of my investments (except for about $14,000 that is lock
Investing Series: How to buy and sell ETFs on Questrade
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- WHY BOTHER SIGNING UP TO TRADE ON QUESTRADE? Because ETFs are cheaper than mutual funds,