What is the average non-mortgage debt of Canadians?
This Canadian debt post only deals with NON-MORTGAGE DEBT. If you are interested in MORTGAGE debt versus net worth, you can check out my post on that here: What is the average net
Recent Walking & Driving Observations: Both Scary & Stupid
As of late, I don’t know what is happening but I am seeing a lot of STUPID things being done by drivers and by pedestrians. CARS CROSSING SOLID LINES WITH NO SIGNAL Imagine t
Public transportation versus cars
Pretty stunning visual of how public transportation trumps taking a car. Via I’d also like to note that I have observed people who are really dependent on cars, tend t
Why don’t we think more about what we buy?
It crossed my mind the other day that being such a society of consumers, it’s kind of odd that we don’t think about all the aspects that go into what we buy. I mean we
Wealthy people hold assets, the rest are in debt.
Know what else wealthy people do? They… Don’t own most of their net worth in real estate (e.g. their primary residence) Don’t want to be a slave to anyone or any
Travel: What it’s like to visit China – Safety as a tourist
It is dead scary to walk in China as a tourist. Crossing the road, gives you a heart attack. BICYCLES AND MOTORBIKES DON’T OBEY THE LAW They think that they’re not R