Week of Money: Where I resist hard but end up buying a few things
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up. Tired. We slept a good amount last night but I have this canker sore that is waking me up on occasion because it is so painful. I really hope it calms
My Top 5 High Quality Clothing Brands I Shop At
I shop A LOT. As of late, I have been going into shops like Top Shop, Forever 21, H&M, Joe Fresh and ZARA as of late to sort of see what is trendy and what is there. The price
November 29, 2018
Sherry of Save. Spend. Splurge.
Afternoon of Shopping with Sherry – Volume 1
...walking downtown.
Week of Money: Where I freak out over a possible $2800 overage charge
DAY ONE 5:20 a.m. — WHY?…… *ugh*… I guess I need to limit his naps… to maybe just 45 minutes. 5:39 a.m. — I log in, start working and make two teas
Revamping a piece I couldn’t wear in my wardrobe
I bought this top because I LOVED the colour. I LOVED the fabric (silk chiffon) and I liked the easy drapey-ness of it. Unfortunately, while it was drapey and cool, it was giving m