In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: It is easier to audit the poor, not the rich.
The Internal Revenue Services (IRS) says it is just easier to audit the poor. This makes sense, as poor people tend to not have as many incomes, anything tax-sheltered, etc. It would take much longer to unravel all the tax returns of the rich with all of their assets…. but is that an excuse to not audit them? Out of sheer laziness?
These cotton flannel heavy hospital-quality blankets are perfect for winter. I ordered a few for my mother and she’s in love with them. I know it sounds so bizarre but they are really very comforting.
This Toddler Feelings Helpline had me howling in laughter. My 3 favourites:
- If you are crying but you don’t remember why, please mash 9.
- If Mama went to the store for a minute but you are pretty sure she’s never coming back, please mash all of the keys but mostly 1.
- If you’ve come to the halting realization that every single aspect of your life is decided by another person and that you truly have no agency over your own thoughts or existence, please remove all of your clothing and flee screaming in the direction of your nearest judgmental neighbor.
There is something very luxurious yet sexy but demure about velvet, so this velvet camisole from Banana Republic is CALLING MY NAME.
Rats are being taught to drive tiny cars to lower stress levels…!
I am starting to realize I have a vibe for the winter, it is basically a cashmere blanket with a hole for my neck. That’s what I want to wear all day, everyday, with some leather leggings, so this very luxurious Billie the Label oversized turtleneck sweater is right up my alley. I am also secretly loving this chunky Acne Studios one.
Also, if you are ever too rich, and love expensive hard liquor, look into buying some $1000 bespoke ice cubes and let me know how it goes, will you?
I’ve always liked the look of this Ted Baker camel wrap coat. I know it is crazy because I already have it in plum, but still.. *hearts in eyes*
And I shall leave you with — Millennials like to pay cash for their weed, and it’s causing an overflow of cash... which is a major problem for marijuana businesses, so a new Paypal-like business has popped up (backed by a Paypal co-founder with $5M) to handle this issue.
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