A Week of Money: Where Yoga Makes My Body Ache
A Week of Money where I start yoga daily and it is AWESOME.
A Week of Money: Where I live out my days like a vampire
This week, I signed up for yoga (so excited for it next week) and started thinking about organizing my life and selling off more things.
A Week of Money: Where I somehow feel complete zen until the end
Where my eyes turn vampire red and have to revoke Sunday Train Day.
A Week of Money: Where Work Ramps Up Trifold
Where Baby Bun gets angry because an outside, interactive sculpture is changed and he was not consulted on the decision.
A Week of Money: Where Pre-School Drop Off is Finally Cry-Free
My Week of Money: Where pre-school drop off becomes much easier, and I have a very good week with Baby Bun.
More Money Tips For the Rest of Us
Biking or walking instead of taking the car saves gas, helps the environment and burns calories not money. If you have a toddler like I do, it becomes an activity. Not everything h
A Week of Money: Macarons, Poke Bowls and Starbucks Double Star Days
A Week of Money: Where I spend more quality time with Baby Bun no matter how tired and it pays off.
A Week of Money: Where Metro Riding for 2.5 hours is an activity.
A Week of Money: Where I rode the metro for 2.5 hours to placate my child.
How do you and your partner handle the finances?
How do you carve up the money pie in your home? Do you do it based on salary as a percentage or is it just a plain 50/50 thing?
A Week of Money: Where I shop, and shop until I almost drop.
A Week of Money: Money just keeps flying out of my pocket due to shopaholic stress & relief at having income, finally.