Should you quit your job? What does it mean to love what you do as a career?
A point I think I haven’t made clear enough in the past is that not everyone should jump up and quit their jobs because they find the slightest fault with it. NO JOB IS PERFE
Style Help: Finding the perfect work and laptop bag that is stylish and chic
The perfect work and laptop bag that is both stylish and chic is very hard to find. Here are all the options (I own a lot) from Dagne Dover to m0851.
Pay what something is really worth and pay for it once
This applies to everything — workers you hire, or things you buy. I always see companies trying to shave here and there by hiring super cheap employees (or in my case, freela
How not to screw up a negotiation
It’s pretty easy to talk about, much harder to execute in real life. Here are my tips: Just negotiate — Not trying at all is THE biggest mistake Prepare as much as you
How passion for your life can pay off for you
From every person I can think of who is good at their jobs, and I recognize as being an outstanding individual, I am seeing a pattern — they love what they do and have a pass
Freedom: The one thing that we can but also can’t buy that ultimately makes us happy
Feeling a little philosophical today. The other day I was thinking about freedom and all of its forms, specifically financial freedom. A lot of us (myself and my partner included)
Do you really want to do nothing and make tons of money all day?
I don’t. Would you rather… Work at a job where you aren’t allowed to do ANYTHING all day (no smartphones, NOTHING) but make tons of money…? OR Work at a job
How to never be out of a job
The answer? Be good at what you do. People who are good at their job, are never out of one. If you are good at what you do, companies will beg you to stay, and by beg, I mean they
Why do we women accept these “Helper”, “Caregiver” roles for ourselves without questioning it?
This news bit that cropped up in Canada lately about Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau needing help to ‘serve the people’ annoyed me when I heard it. 1. WE AREN’T A SUPE
Entrepreneur Inspiration: Ramona, the webdesigner who started without a laptop or the internet
Ramo comes with my personal recommendation I would like to personally say how much I recommend Ramona’s work as a webdesigner. Her work speaks for itself (see this blog) and