In the world of Mochi and Macarons
I watched ‘Despicable Me’ and enjoyed it. This was my favourite scene from the movie with Agnes squealing over a fluffy unicorn: The second best scene was when he was h
In the world of Mochi and Macarons
First, a little beauty… EXPLODING FLOWERS BY QI WEI Check out these beautiful Exploded Flowers exhibition Qi Wei. Here is my favourite one but there are many more on her page
What’s happening in the world of Mochi & Macarons
“Money is a language for translating the work of the farmer into the work of the barber, doctor, engineer, or plumber . . . Money is the store of other people’s time and effort
In the world of Mochi and Macarons
WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW HELL YES. MY OFFICE IN THE SKY (Shot I took with my iPhone using the $0.99 Camera+ app) MY OFFICE IN THE HOTEL I came, I scanned, I shredded. Fujitsu ScanSnap