Ask Sherry: What would you pay now for your home or would you rent?
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Would you have a maximum price that you would pay now for you
Ask Sherry: Should I buy a $1.1M home or continue to rent?
Hi, Sherry! I have a question related to the cost of real estate. In my city, a 2-bedroom apartment costs the equivalent of 1,025,000 CAD in a pleasant area. That sounds like Toron
Should you pay rent to your spouse when you get married?
This is such a controversial topic, it instantly divides people. I am really stubborn and hardheaded so I clearly have my own strong opinions on this matter, which if you are a reg
Simple Living is Simply Living, not becoming a Monk
It isn't about wearing a horsehair shirt or living with only a cup of tea on a mat. Simple living is freedom.
Buying versus Renting versus Mortgaging
So here are all my numbers. The place I end up buying will be a condo, which means I need to pay taxes and condo fees in lieu of rent. WAIT, WHAT? DOESN’T BUYING A HOME MEA