Minimalist Travel: What I packed for 3 days in New York City (Summer)
I am going with an EMPTY suitcase.
Minimalist Travel Packing with a Toddler
Goal: One backpack, one toddler, myself and 3 weeks in Europe.
Minimalist Travel: Packing Tips
My minimalist wardrobe travel capsule for going to Europe in the summer.
How to travel hassle-free and worry-free with these 10 tips
I used to travel almost 90% of the time when I was a consultant on the road (these days, I'm homebound), and here are my top travel tips.
Travel Help: How and what to pack for traveling with a toddler
DURATION OF VACATION: 2 weeks We are going for a short little trip to see how things go. If all goes well, I’ll do more trips with Baby Bun, perhaps solo. MY PACKING LIST CL
How to combat de-cluttering and organizing fatigue
Much like debt repayment fatigue, people who have started to embark on the ambitious project of organizing and decluttering their lives tend to hit a point where they are exhausted
My List of Perfect Carry-On Travel Essentials
Bose Headphones or earbuds Trust me, you’re going to wish you had some when the in-flight movie kicks in and you have 4 hours to go before reaching your destina
Travel Series: Quick things to remember when packing a suitcase
If you remember NOTHING else about packing, these are my fast top things to do: CHECK THE WEATHER If you don’t know what the weather will be like, you will be screwed when yo
Travel Series: The Bare Bones Packing List
I’ve written a number of posts about how to pack lightly: How to pack lightly for traveling with just the essentials in a carry-on Minimalist Packing: 1 Carryon. 1 Bag. 2 mon
A Minimalist Suitcase: Roll up everything, don’t pack it ever again
In theory, I love the idea of this ROLO suitcase packing thingamajig. In real life, I can imagine these things do NOT stay flat the way they should inside those mesh bags (chalk th