Money Talk: What money habits did your parents practice? How did you feel about those habits?
All bad, really. I learned all sorts of bad habits.
I would be lost without…
I was thinking the other day all the things that I rely on immensely to get me through my life, even my day. I’d truly be lost (or really, just unhappier) without the followi
10 Important Daily Habits and Attitudes of the Rich
Out of the original 20 Rich Daily Habits, I chose the 10 that are the most relevant/important and my reasons why: 1. 23% of wealthy gamble. 52% of poor people gamble. Gambling is a
Wealthy people hold assets, the rest are in debt.
Know what else wealthy people do? They… Don’t own most of their net worth in real estate (e.g. their primary residence) Don’t want to be a slave to anyone or any
Habits: Learning what makes you tick
We all have habits. Mine, is to wake up, check on my iPod Touch what I have to get done for that day, all while still lying in bed. A new habit I saw forming, was wanting to buy a