What are the top 1% salaries around the world – what would you need to make?
Ever wonder what you’d need to make to be in the top 1%? All in U.S. dollars. 🇦🇪United Arab Emirates: $891K 🇸🇬Singapore: $694K 🇺🇸United States: $478K 🇧🇭Ba
Why are you still living where you are if you can’t afford it?
I kind of don’t understand it when people feel like they’re trapped where they are and can’t move to another city to live. Sometimes it’s their family holdi
There’s such a thing as a “free” lunch in France!
Just an interesting tidbit I thought I’d share about tickets repas in France and Belgium. WHAT THE HECK ARE TICKETS REPAS? They are meal tickets (kind of like food stamps)
Are you really as rich as you think you are?
Odd choice for a title because in this personal finance blogosphere, we’re all saying that you are NOT as rich as you think but ever since my trip to Singapore I have been th
Ever wonder how your country or city compares worldwide in terms of Cost of Living?
Then check out this chart by Expatistan: And just because I’m a geek, here are some highlights / points: Canada debuts with Toronto at #32 Montreal, Canada is in spot