Why we don’t do gifts at Christmas or big events (Minimalist Christmas)
This is going to sound really weird to those of you who have followed me for a while, considering how much I love shopping and so on, but we actually do not do gifting at Christmas
Week of Money: Where I go on an Hermès scarf buying spree
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up with Little Bun whispering: Good morning Mommy! … Even though he doesn’t let me sleep, you can’t help but love this morning start. 6:1
Week of Money: Where I am so happy I bought this Travel Scrabble Board
DAY ONE ??:?? — Little Bun crawls on top of me and gives me a massive hug to wake me. 6:20 a.m. — It looks like it might not rain today, so if that’s the case we can go o
Week of Money: Where it begins to get chilly
DAY ONE ??:?? — We wake up… LATE!?!? Well late for us. It’s almost 8. 8:03 a.m. — I am logged in and working. 11:59 a.m. — I do not know what it is about little b
Week of Money: Where I give myself a free shopping budget
DAY ONE ??:?? — I head off to the bathroom and like a switch went off, Little Bun wakes up and says in a panic: “MOMMY??”…. I call out to him that I am still he
Week of Money: Where I am motivated to Shop my Closet
DAY ONE ??:?? — Little Bun snuggling! 6:00 a.m. — I really like this home decor look. It is neutrals with a super dark wall. I think I am really leaning towards dark walls for
Week of Money: Where Little Bun checks to see if I am human (LOL)
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up with Little Bun snuggling into my side and hugging me. This is why we still sleep together even though he wakes me at ungodly hours. 6:17 a.m. — I can
Week of Money: Where I get suckered into some stuffed cookies
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up a little tired, but Little Bun is cuddling me. I kiss his forehead as he hugs me in bed. 7:34 a.m. — I log in and start working, and make a tea. 9:15
Week of Money: Where yes, your sunscreens are harming coral reefs
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up still tired. I could have used another hour but Little Bun is bright eyed and bushy tailed. 7:09 a.m. — After we check on the basil (soil not dry yet!