Getting rid of your In case of Emergency clothes
Racked and Katherine brought up a great topic: Emergency Clothes.
Do you keep items that you only would use very occasionally, or in case of an emergency?
A resounding yes, but I can’t get rid of them. Yet…
Like these ones:
Sort of similar here but just all nude leather instead.
Or these ones:
Sort of similar here but with a sturdier heel.
They are really stunning.. but I bought them when I was in a low slump after having Baby Bun and wanting comfortable but fun, high heels that I could wear out with him.
4″ wedges with a BABY who is now a TODDLER.
Oh goodness. Let that sink in, okay? I was delusional.
Anyway, this summer, I plan on wearing them, even if it’s only out on Mommy-Errand-Running Days. With a cute dress.
I only wear these gold leather flip flops at the beach. They are stylish for flip flops but I hate wearing flip flops in real life, but they are only good at the beach. I don’t want to get rid of them.
Like these beauties. I wore it to one wedding. Have yet to find another event…
What are some of your Just in Case of an Emergency items?
Totally have had a lands end coat since 2005 as it’s rated to super cold levels but continental Europe doesn’t require it (ie I bought and prefer a wool dress coat). But I’ve kept it and will take to Iceland next week.
I keep covered shoes that are good for coral and river walking – had them since 2003 and had soles restitched on (glue didn’t last), they are useful every few years in certain settings – floating in a river or in Greece with beaches.
I also have rain boots, seldom worn this summer but wetter wars they get a strong season of wear.
Recently moved and got rid of all the clothes that didn’t fit except one small plastic bin. I find setting a physical limit helps. If I ever get back to my healthy weight I’ll buy new clothes. My bin only has clothes that will fit if I lose 10 lbs, if it requires more than a 10 lb loss I got rid of it. Once the bin was full, that was it. I live in a city with amazing shopping and I’m fairly capsule/minimalist in dressing now so I don’t need to hold on to old items. I do hold on to a Whiting & Davis evening clutch, just in case lol. Haven’t gone to an event requiring such a bag in years. It can be dressed down with jeans but I’m usually in shorts all weekend, nothing glitzy. I also have a super high wedge heel by Margiela (MM6) that is gorgeous but never worn. If I ever get to wear it however, it will look wonderful with almost all my clothes. It’s just higher than I typically like to wear. One pair of flips flops are a necessity IMO for the beach, pool etc. or in the hotel in a warmer climate. But I live in the land of flip flops 😉 Hawaii, is a staple for us.
Unless you’re Kim K, most mothers wouldn’t be wearing 4″+ heels while running around with their kid. haha.
I have some evening dresses that will probably not see the light of day for a long time, but they take up very little physical space in my closet. I’m petite (short) so finding a dress on the fly is not fun! I also got rid of my flip flops in favour of a more substantial. beach/poolside rubber sandal as I have broken my baby toe and I do not want that little guy to be vulnerable. I have a nice trench coat that I only save for “special” business events as it has heavy metal buttons that fall off and annoying wrist bands with buckles that shift around. It looks awesome though so it stays.
Agree on being petite. There are certain items that are not so easy to find on the fly & then you end up with buying something you don’t love. I’m curvy and petite so many petite lines are also not made for my hourglass shape (although it’s gotten much better with today’s fabrics). If I found a fancy dress I loved I’d hang on to it too.
God that dress is so stunning on you!!
I have a few fancier/statement dresses I love and see no need to get rid of, even if I only wear them to 1 wedding and/or 1 other event or date a year. Otherwise my closet is pretty much only filled with stuff I wear regularly. A few of the high heels and more professional oriented clothes get saved for occasional meetings & work travel since I normally work from home, but they do get worn.
I guess I do have some “just in case” clothes stored out of sight. In a storage bag with my winter clothes I also have some work wear that I just don’t need now that I work from home. But I kept the pieces I really like in case I ever need to find a new office job in a hurry so I’m not desperate to buy an entire new work wardrobe immediately. If I ever have a kid and decide I’m definitely not going back into an office environment for awhile, maybe I’ll get rid of them then.
I also have some heavy, mid-calf, waterproof snow boots and an insulated coat I bought for travel purposes and that I’ll never wear in Florida. They are definitely “just in case” of future travel in different climates, but since I genuinely like them, I also don’t mind storing them with my winter clothes.
My puffy winter jackets. I live in Los Angeles, so I haven’t worn them in so many years.