The Harry Potter reason for saving for retirement at a young age
It is magic if you think about it...
How much I need to retire
My calculation for what I need to lay down my pen.
Do you enjoy your job more if you earn a lot more money?
Maybe if you reach the higher echelons, you don't really want to retire early..?
Act like an equal partner. Not a house elf.
What would happen if I didn't make so much money? I talk about the age-old debate of being valued for housework.
Why I am not planning on leaving any money to my child when I die
Am I monster for not wanting to leave anything to Baby Bun when I die? I don't think so, in fact, I am helping him by doing so.
If I retired now, what the heck would I do?
My partner and I were discussing this the other day, talking about when we’d like to retire. He thinks he wants to call it quits in about 5 years, and for me, I am not sure.
Buying versus Renting versus Mortgaging
So here are all my numbers. The place I end up buying will be a condo, which means I need to pay taxes and condo fees in lieu of rent. WAIT, WHAT? DOESN’T BUYING A HOME MEA
Investing Series: Don’t liquidate, transfer your assets to fund your retirement accounts instead
Maybe everyone knows about this already but I didn’t, and I’m looking at someone out there to back me up on not having known this either (anyone? ANYONE?). I have all o
Investing Series: The Canadian Beginner’s Step-by-Step Guide on your Money
The Canadian Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide on your Money. If you want step-by-step help and screenshots, check out my book: Investing Like a Boss for sale @
How much I can expect to receive from the Government of Canada in retirement
What should I get when I retire?