Should you pay for your parents? – Talking about generational burden of aging elder care
I am coming of age where my parents are getting older, and soon, even though they do not want to, they are going to be unable to work, either mentally or physically. Some of the pr
How much do you need to invest to get dividend income?
This is a very generic chart. It shows you essentially, what you need invested, to get a certain income, and what the driving factors are — DIVIDEND YIELD. The calculation is
How and what do you invest in to get a dividend income?
Investing in dividends is not difficult – in fact, if you have ANY investments, especially those in mutual funds, you may already be getting dividends. You can invest to get
What my success and accomplishments have cost me
As I am slightly more active on Instagram than I have been in the past, I am getting a lot of real-time feedback and comments that I normally don’t get on the blog. I feel li
2020 Canadian RRSP, TFSA and RESP limits (Canada)
Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) Tax-sheltered meaning you get a tax credit when you contribute towards it (lowers your taxable income) BUT you pay taxes when you withdraw
Into the ‘secret’ lives of rich millennial cheapskates
If you know me and have been reading my blog for a while, you know exactly how I feel about these secret lives of rich millennial cheapskates article. For those of you who are new
What does living off your investments mean?
I have googled this extensively and failed to find a clear answer. What does living off of your investments/ having income producing investments mean? Does this mean that I only ha
How much do you need to have saved for retirement? By salary per year and investments.
This is a chart for retirement, made up with the 25X rule and the 4% withdrawal rules. What’s the 25X rule? Simple. What do you want to spend in retirement? $50K? Take $50K x
Updated 2019: How much I have saved and earned over the lifetime of my career
YEARS WORKED: 58% of my Career I feel old now. 14 years? FOURTEEN? That’s the age of one of my nephews… O_o I also calculated the 8.12 years of actual time worke
My greatest money fear: To be a HENRY
My greatest money fear from the get go, has been to be a HENRY. I didn’t even know this acronym at all existed, but HENRY stands for: High Earner Not Rich Yet I do not ever w