What is the average non-mortgage debt of Canadians?
This Canadian debt post only deals with NON-MORTGAGE DEBT. If you are interested in MORTGAGE debt versus net worth, you can check out my post on that here: What is the average net
Week of Money: Where I quit my job
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up earlier than Little Bun. I can’t go back to sleep and yet I am tired. 7:02 a.m. — Little Bun squeals about half an hour later. I get up. WHAT? It
Welcome to any new readers!
Welcome to all the new readers (*crickets*) from the Your Money segment with Nancy Snedden. (I hope?) Thank you very much for taking the time to open a browser, type in my insuffer
Week of Money: Where the Holiday Week starts getting crazy
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up. Tired. But not TOO tired. 5:50 a.m. — I log in and start working. This issue is stressing me the F out. I need to fix it and it has to be good befo
What is the average net worth of Canadians without their house?
I went over the average net worth of a Canadian by each province and major city, but here is the provincial net worth broken down WITHOUT their houses! Houses are a huge part of an
Week of Money: Where Little Bun turns into a night monster
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up. Reluctantly. It is just before six a.m. and I could have used another half hour. 6:00 a.m. — I start a load of laundry — Little Bun bled all
What is the median net worth of Canadians by age, province and major city?
Asked & delivered! Here is the median net worth of Canadians by age, province and major city… Here is the MEDIAN of a Canadian’s net worth, not an average. The aver
Week of Money: Where people ramp up on holiday lunch invites (my favourite kind)
DAY ONE ??:?? — Tired. Little Bun was snuffling and wiggling a lot last night. ??:?? — Why am I awake? I try to go back to sleep but my partner is up and his showering and sh
Week of Money: Where my body realizes it hasn’t worked out in a long time
DAY ONE ??:?? — Little Bun is up. I am tired. I want to go to sleep….. and sleep more. Another hour or so could do me…. 6:23 a.m. — I make a tea. OMG. I am in so
What is the average net worth of a Canadian (By age and province)?
I am obsessed with net worth and money. In a good way. It of course does not define who you are — just look at all the jackasses who are super rich and aren’t decent hu