The average person just before retirement at the age of 60 only has about $100,000 saved
I read a few shocking statistics the other day. They’re becoming more and more common and less shocking, I must say, but still very disheartening for most folks: 64% of Canad
How expensive can you look when you’re at work?
This is not a challenge, but it’s more of a question meant to generate discussion. As a woman who loves dressing up and looking nice, I am also acutely aware of how I have to
Women are losing $500,000 over the course of their careers
The One Career Mistake That Could Cost You $500,000: In a study cited by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever, authors of Women Don’t Ask, if a woman doesn’t push to ask for mo
Top 5 Career Regrets
I know I talk a lot about money and being financially independent as soon as possible but having a career, and having a life is not about living for the money and working like a d
How all companies should do job interviews (Heineken Job Interview “The Candidate”)
When I was interviewing for my first job out of college, I always thought that we pretty much looked, acted and were the same. We all sat in the same common area, studied the same
Do you ever feel guilty for everything that you have and make?
Someone recently asked me if I felt guilty that I could charge so much money per hour as a consultant, and I could basically making in a month or two what some people make in a yea
The Meaning of Life is to Live in the Now
Do you ever wonder what the point of all this is? What the purpose of our lives are? Personally, I believe we all have a purpose in life, and that’s to live. Breathing in one
Budgeting like a freelancer: Set yearly amounts and save the rest
So this year, I decided that I needed to start budgeting like a freelancer, rather than someone with a steady income. Most people tend to look at their net income each month, set a
Bringing up baby: Maternity and Paternity Leave
It’s really crap that men aren’t allowed to take time off to be with their newborn kids. Yes, they aren’t the ones who carried them for 9 months inside, gave birt
A college degree doesn’t necessarily mean you have any skills
I read a few interesting articles over the past few days that I thought would segue nicely with my previous post: Who really needs a college degree anyway? A college degree was an