The smartest people are most likely the dumbest at managing their finances
I’ve always believed that just earning a high income doesn’t mean you have any idea on how to manage it. In fact, it could be the opposite because you have so much more
Being smart is useless if you’re lazy
I know a lot of smart people … or so they tell me. Know what I hear? I’m so smart, I know I could do better if I was just given the chance. I’m so smart, I don’
To all the popular kids who peaked in high school: It doesn’t get better
What a great video. It Doesn’t Get Better from Jason Headley I wasn’t a popular kid by any means, but that doesn’t mean that all popular kids were mean and horrib
Cardboard bicycle for $20
This is a great idea by Izhar Gafni, from Israel. He is close to producing it for real. It’s expected to cost a mere $20 and weigh about 20 lbs (9 kg) — that’s 6