Ask Sherry: First time investor purchases, Natural skincare, and How to make more money or start as a freelance consultant
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. As a baby investor. Would you recommend ETFs or individual st
Success Story: New Freelancer scoring a $24,000 a month contract
I’d like to introduce you to someone who is sharing a success story – you can read all of my other ones here. I offer career & money coaching here. If I can’t
How to start freelancing: Part Two – Negotiating a Contract
All of my posts on this subject will be under: How to become a freelancer Now that you have a contract, CONGRATULATIONS! If you don’t have a contract, here’s how you ca
How to start freelancing: Part One – The Beginning
The most important thing about starting out as a freelancer is getting paid work. That’s it. It is easy to get work. EVERYONE wants to give you work. It is not that easy to g
When the unexpected happens. The scary side of freelancing.
The dark side to freelancing is that you cannot control everything no matter how much you make.
Should you quit your job? What does it mean to love what you do as a career?
A point I think I haven’t made clear enough in the past is that not everyone should jump up and quit their jobs because they find the slightest fault with it. NO JOB IS PERFE
Businesses and Jobs I have had since the age of 7
I have worked ever since I was very young and this is what I've done.
How much should I charge as a freelancer?
To figure out how much you’d charge per hour, ask yourself: How much would you normally get at a job as a base salary? Take that amount, double it, and divide by 2000, and th
Freelancers should treat themselves like a business
Freelancing makes people think you sit around in your pajamas all day, watching TV and getting paid for it. Everything about that sentence is true except the last part. As a freela