How to travel and see the world for very little money
We all have a deep-seated desire in each of us to travel, even if your idea of travel means going to the beach and sipping margaritas all day, whereas mine would be to hike all aro
Where are the women working in male-dominated fields such as Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM)?
As someone who works in a male-dominated, STEM profession, I could totally relate to both of these posts. THEY ONLY NEED TO HEAR MY VOICE TO REJECT ME FOR A JOB I’d say about
December 20, 2013
Sherry of Save. Spend. Splurge.
How I reached a No-Gift Minimalist Christmas or Holiday Season
Tim’s post about having a reduced Christmas (and the relief that goes with it!), got me thinking about how I handle the holiday season. It’s pretty simple. I don’