How to calculate if anything, like a points program (like PC Points) or a deal is worth it
I understand that we aren’t really taught how to compare prices, deals and cost-per-unit/use and so on in school, so if this is remotely helpful to people, I am happy. I am u
What goes into a Net Worth Calculation?
I have been doing this for so long I forget that sometimes people have very confused ideas about what goes into a net worth and what doesn’t. I don’t think I have ever
Ask Sherry: What would you pay now for your home or would you rent?
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Would you have a maximum price that you would pay now for you
What’s your Personal Finance (PF) score and how do you calculate it?
This is how you should really calculate your real sense of financial independence and richness.
Buying versus Renting versus Mortgaging
So here are all my numbers. The place I end up buying will be a condo, which means I need to pay taxes and condo fees in lieu of rent. WAIT, WHAT? DOESN’T BUYING A HOME MEA