Save. Spend. Splurge.

With the worst news, now comes the best news.

The best news have arrived!

Not only have I planned the trip to go help my aunt meticulously down to mapping the streets, planning what to close, where, and the whole schedule (including a checklist of starting from scratch in a new city), but……..















I also managed to secure a job.

“A JOB!”, exclaimed The Very Hungry Caterpillar…

(It is super short though.)

$75,000 for 2 months

I will be back to work quite soon, have yet to confirm all the details, but I should be paid about $75,000 for 60 days of work (8 hours a day).

I will start probably at the beginning of next month, I need to get my family situation under control first and I need time.

I will be breathing a sigh of relief for my money, but I will still need to keep looking for work to start immediately after it’s done.

I can’t be idle, I really need to ramp up on the money front as I am pretty much paying out wads of cash left and right at the moment, it is insane how much I am spending right now.

Still gonna be a Cheapo…

I am still sticking to my Semi-Emergency budget until I can stash some significant liquid savings in the bank (hovering quite dangerously low to the $50,000 mark right now).

What I am earning is good but not enough for me to stop and breathe a sigh of relief.

I’d like to put away at least $250,000 in un-registered retirement savings as easy access cash before I breathe easy.

Trust me, I am not going to forget this experience ever again.

Finding care for Baby Bun…

The problem is also daycare, I need to figure out who/when can take Baby Bun, and that’s what is delaying the start date and confirmation.

Everything seems to be falling into place, but I am beyond busy / stressed, although slightly happier these days with the whole situation.

I’m really happy. But.. I really need to work faster and harder than I ever have in my life to get this all under control before I go back to work.

Also……Oops. I ate my emotions again..

I don’t fit into my pants any more. Luckily I have stretchy dresses. LOL

I don’t know WTF happened (I have a good idea though between the stress + emotional eating), but I put on at least 5 pounds if not more in the past month and I can barely zip up my pants.

It looks obscene with all of this lumpy spillage.

I may have to buy some shape wear until I lose this weight.

It’s curious though, I am the same weight I was when I last worked, but for some reason I feel like everything is tight.

Maybe it is more that I FEEL as though the pants are tight but really, they aren’t, they’re normal, I am just not used to wear structured things any more and have been lounging around in bodycon or shapeless dresses which mold to your shape.

Who freakin’ knows.


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