Where to shop and buy Logo-Free Purses
I’m a huge fan of purses without a ton of logos. I’m one of those under the radar kind of folks.
I tend to find these bags because I am always half-shopping wherever I go.
I pop into stores, I check out their wares, I go to independent arts & crafts conventions (like the ones in Toronto, the One-of-a-Kind Festival) and go to artsy boho areas where independent artisans hawk their wares.
I also walk down and around areas like Queen Street west of Bathurst, and I never avoid a store just because it’s for men. Men like nice looking leather bags too!
Consignment shops, are also great places to find logo-free, great bags.
Basically anything WITHOUT ostentatious logos on it, is a logo-free bag to me. A small logo or a plaque is fine.
So.. you kind of have every single bag out there that is pretty much logo-free. If you want a bag with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on it, it takes a little more finesse to find, but artisanal leather stores tend to do the trick.
The bag I own that is 100% logo-free is from Aridza Bross but I bought it in Paris in some little shop, and I’ve never seen her bags sold here yet.
That said, here are a few options I found online:
Sole Society has some really damn good looking bags. I’m tempted to buy a few except for the fact that they’re probably all made out of vinyl or fake leather which I am not a fan of.
I like the look of this Raleigh option for $50
I also like this Bryer bag for $50
You can also try Banana Republic for logo free bags. They’re pretty good for logo-free items.
J.W. Hulme Emerson Satchel Bags at $525 are very pricey but they’re made in the U.S. and last FOREVER.
They’re kind of all over the place but those are my picks at various price points.
The one I have is the colbalt blue woven one. It seriously rocks!!!
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Check out one fated knight. I can vouch that even a smallish bag from there holds a couple of diapers, wipes, wallet/pouch, and various snacks.
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Yesss, love that last bag and those first couple from Sole Society if I knew they would last. I don’t buy new bags often, so I like to know what I get will look good for everyday use for at least a couple years.
Vintage bags sold on etsy are also a good place for looks like new refurbished bags (leather redyed & brass shined up) or lovely distressed leather bags. I also adore my Everlane Petra Market Tote (I bought the black earlier this year). The only drawback is no top closure so tough to take on the plane but I love it for daily use. You and I have already discussed Longchamp too.
There was a time all I looked for in a bag was that it was on sale. Then a floodgate of awareness was open in my 20s and I’ve become a discrete-logo, leather only, all-colors-of-the-rainbow kinda girl. I just purged my bag wardrobe down to 4 main bags and hope to keep it that way till the end of the year. The designer bag hobby definitely got very expensive very quickly.
Sarah Li Cain
Dang it! I really need to stop reading your blogs. I’ve been feverishly online browsing at all the places you mentioned, and thank goodness I’m overseas, or else I would have spent hundreds of dollars of merchandise 😛
I just bought a handbag in Thailand – relatively sure no cows were hurt to make it either… anyhow, I was pleased to see the ‘tag’ that announces the brand (again) was in an inside pocket – ie totally removable. HAPPY! Sadly, two others on my planeload of ~400 had a same branded bag, they are oh so popular 🙁 At least they come in lots of colours?