Week of Money: Where the Stuffies squeal about a Spelling Bee
11:08 a.m. — Little Bun has come up with a brilliant plan – a spelling bee for the Stuffies. He creates spelling lists, and then starts the whole competition.
I am laughing too hard because I make it fun (for myself) and him:
Little Bun: “Let’s start the Spelling Bee!”
Finally, Babiest Stuffie wins!!
12:11 p.m. — I clean the sink… it gets so gunky and greasy.
3:35 p.m. — Little Bun runs out, looking distressed and flings his hand at me, after his nap saying: “CATNAP! CATNAP!!” .. It takes me a second before I realize it’s his hand that fell asleep and he wants me to help massage it. I laugh and massage his fingers until his fingers come back to life again after going numb.
6:25 p.m. — We have a question that says: 7×2
Little Bun: 18! I mean 14! What I think is not what I say!!!
Me: That happens to me all the time.
3:40 p.m. — We play Monopoly again. At the end, I taught him how to play ruthlessly and to negotiate hard. I owed him $800, then $950, then $1000, and I made him negotiate hard and take two of my railroads etc. I told him he was still a wonderful, generous person, but he had to be tougher in the game, and not take any prisoners so to speak. To be fair, and not mean, but not a pushover. He’s really just too nice for this.
6:10 p.m. — He practices cutting zucchini for the meals, prepping food.
7:25 p.m. — On the bed reading…
8:08 a.m. — Little Bun watching “Girls Alone” a documentary where they left all these girls alone without adults to live alone.
5:15 p.m. — He is reading and asking me questions about some words
Little Bun: Why is English so difficult mommy – it’s so weird sometimes!!
Me: It’s a hodgepodge of other languages, so you have lots of things that do not make sense.
9:25 p.m. — She hung her jewellery on the wall, and then I said I would do something similar with a wall. Someone messages me:
8:08 a.m. — Little Bun makes coupons because now, every meal I eat that his father makes, is part of Daddy’s Eatery. I have to pay taxes, tips, more taxes, even a seating fee!!!!
To alleviate the pain, he makes me a birthday coupon:
2:31 p.m. — I start on corporate taxes, and use my handy dandy self-made Excel spreadsheet with all my notes, and calculations:
Want more? Read all of my previous Week of Money Diaries.
You could publish–should, i.e.–the spelling bee back stories. I can visualize an entire Stuffies series in fact. The comments by the Stuffies are hilarious. Do I need to tell you that the chosen words for the bee are shockingly amazing for a child LB’s age?
I want some almond paste cake!!