This is my Thankful post.
It’s been a long time coming but I needed to give myself a good kick in the proverbial butt so to speak.
I have been feeling envious, jealous and am acting like a total ingrate for the life I’ve been given and the opportunities that I currently have and I absolutely need to write down all the things that I am grateful for because somehow in my daily life, I keep missing out on realizing just how good I have it.
What I am grateful for:
- An amazing, helpful partner who does far more than his fair share; compared to what I hear other partners do/don’t do, I have zero reason to complain.
- A healthy, happy (most of the time), gorgeous Baby Bun; who is my light and the first person I think of when I wake up and the last when I sleep.
- My friends & family – I am not particularly close to anyone in my family other than my mother, but I am still happy to have them there nonetheless; as for my friends, I am closer to some friends than others, particularly the really good ones who take the trouble to call, Skype, email and visit me even though I am a good 8 hours away from them. You all have no idea how much that means to me.
- My health – I am not sick in any way shape or form and am in good health; which helps when you are able to afford good food to sustain it unlike many people I see and read about.
- My life – I was born in and am living in a First World country as its citizen with all the opportunities and chances that came with it while growing up and what I have now; I’ve already won the lottery many times over in this regard.
- This country – I am living in a country where there is no war, disease and we are at peace with food and amenities readily available.
- My career – I have only worked half of my working life since graduating (been traveling the world for the rest of the time), and my current job is very white collar and is only 35 hours a week during normal business hours (9-5).
- My savings – I wondered about putting this one in, but I am extremely happy and grateful that I learned early on to demolish my debt ASAP, save my money and build my net worth to a respectable 6-figures above and beyond what most people my age have accomplished; particularly in light of how little I’ve worked since graduating. I could have ended up the other way, still in debt while earning a ton of money and spending it all.
- This online community I am a part of – this sounds so stupid but it’s true; without having discovered blogs and blogging, I may not have been so far ahead financially. I have a lot of bloggers and readers to thank for this; you make it worthwhile.
That’s more than enough to feel satisfied and fill ones plate so to speak.
I have NOTHING to complain about and everything to be happy and thankful for.
Even if things don’t go my way on a daily basis or #$&*#% happens at work, it is all inconsequential and petty when you look at what really matters in life.
What are you grateful for?
Lucky to escape poverty (for now) and wake up in a quiet place where I can count on having food in the fridge, access to clean water and electricity. The bonus is that I have a second opportunity to educate myself and try to start another career.
Your blog is what I enjoy reading every day, giving me hope for the future.
Great post! It’s always nice to reflect and appreciate what we have every now and then. I really agree with you on the online community! This little world of blogging has created some great relationships and has really motivated me to stay on track with my financial goals. It’s an inspiring group to be a part of.
I am definitely grateful for where I’ve been born! As you say, being born in a first world country with every advantage that comes with it is a huge lottery. I don’t always realize this but I’m lucky to have been born in the Netherlands. Having lived abroad made me appreciate my home country a lot more than I did when I was young.
Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way
You should be very thankful when you have a great partner. I’m grateful that I have a loving and sweet daughter.