“Playing with FIRE” documentary (2019) – Free streaming until Wed Dec 11
Link: Free on Vimeo (Private) until Wednesday December 11th 2019 Password: FIRE Thoughts: Not enough numbers – would have liked to have seen their budgets before and after,
China in Motion: Visit China without getting off the couch
Timelapse延时摄影《CHINA IN MOTION 韵动中国》2013联合拍摄第1版ver.1 from Timelapse China on Vimeo. —————————&#
Travel: Miniature Melbourne in a Tilt-Shift Video
Melbourne, Australia. I am not sure if I’ll ever get a chance to go there (read: it’s rather far and I’m lazy), so it’s nice to watch a lovely video showing
The Most Generic Advertisement (Commercial) Ever
So. True. My favourite is the end: “Did we put a baby in here?..”
Natalie and AJ: Interracial and Crosscultural couple in Beijing
A really well done video about an English girl who moved to Beijing, and met a Chinese guy. I especially like the part where AJ tried to explain to his Chinese mother that she was