An Ideal Chic Minimalist Parisian Wardrobe: The Clothes
Everyone wants the ideal wardrobe particularly if it is Parisienne and Chic. Well.. this is it. At least, it’s MY ideal. If I could only pick 30 50* pieces for the entire yea
Fashion things you’ll never catch me wearing
Things you’ll never find in my closet I admittedly love fashion but there are things I will never, EVER wear, no matter how much the fashion industry tries to convince me it
What do you wear around the house?
Loved this post from Belle about what she wears around the house on the weekends, and how honest she is. Thought I’d tell you what I wear and it’s pretty much the same
Men: How a suit, shirt, pair of pants and shoes make your entire outfit
For the guys who read this blog, I decided that since I don’t know anything about fashion for guys beyond what I think looks stupid (like baggy jeans belted around your crotc
How Chanel Built Her Empire – “Once upon a time”
Only about 3 minutes, and a fantastically fast overview about how Coco Chanel built her empire and how she worked. Her most famous items: Chanel No. 5 perfume Chanel Suit with the
Review of the Muubaa Reval Leather Jacket with Sizing Help (Compare with Mackage Aritzia, m0851 and All Saints)
Muubaa is a leather brand not really known here in North America. I only found it by Googling: What leather jacket should I buy? and came across its name. The one thing I found rea
Why does everyone keep asking me why I am so dressed up!?
A problem I have faced with my style my entire life, is being asked this question: Why are you so dressed up? I’ve been asked this while in college, out with friends and the
How to shop your closet and save money
Everyone (and by everyone I mean myself), always harps on about shopping your closet and trying to mix and match pieces in an attempt to avoid shopping for new stuff and to use wha
How to get a Parisian Fashion Wardrobe: The Essentials – Part Three
The perfect, classic, timeless capsule wardrobe. What more do you need?
How to get a Parisian Fashion Wardrobe: Bon chic, bon genre! – Part One
What Parisians think about style.