Is my thrifting & secondhand purchases harming those in need?
I read this and felt an immediate guilty pit in my stomach. Â Am I contributing to the gentrification of thrifting? Am I making the prices higher for those who can’t afford t
Style Trio: Inspirations of #OOTD style I love – Part Ten
Part of my Style Trio Inspirations Series where I have been posting on Instagram @saverspender all my inspirations for #OOTD style.
How to clean and hang up cashmere and wool sweaters without getting hanger marks in them
I usually wash all my cashmere, wools, and fine knits by doing this: Soak it in a bucket with Eucalan Wool Wash as per the directions Hand squeeze out the excess gently (no need to
Style & Fashion Help: How to mix colours and prints together in an outfit – Tints, Tones & Shades
To understand how to mix colours and so on, you need to learn these three words (or at least get a feel for it): TINTS, TONES & SHADES (Source) TINTS Tints = Has white to light
Style & Wardrobe Help: How I come up an outfit – Part Three
Style Overview I am reviewing my style inspiration, sources, ideas and today, focusing on personas in my current style repertoire. Previous posts: Where I get style inspiration fro
Style & Wardrobe Help: How I build up my current style – Part Two
Style Overview I am reviewing my style inspiration, sources, ideas and today, focusing on personas in my current style repertoire. Previous post: Where I get style inspiration from
Style & Wardrobe Help: Where I get style inspiration from – Part One
Someone asked how I discovered my sense of style, and to be frank, I am constantly changing / evolving and trying new things. If I could pin it down, I could say that the following
Shop Quality Series: Quick Primer of Why Fast Fashion Sucks in a Nutshell
This is part of the Shop Quality Series. So this is my very fast primer when I look at something that looks somewhat decent from afar. Not bad right? Faux suede… looks like a
The new status symbols for the rich
These days, there is a new aspirational class that is emerging, and it has a lot to do with money, but with a new values aspect creeping in with social and cultural capital playing
People of colour use consumer goods to help buy status and acceptance
As a follow-up to my post about why people without resources buy luxury goods, I think I should clarify another point: People of colour buy their acceptability with consumer goods,