Being a big financial fish in a little money pond
I keep reading over and over again how if you are a big fish in a little money pond, you will be happier. What they mean is that if you know you are the biggest earner on the block
Stop comparing children to each other
This one, infuriated me the most. It really did. You cannot compare children to each other. Every child is different. Some are more “likable” and others are less “
What should my net worth be in Canada?
Net worth isn't the only indicator, but here is how I currently measure up.
The Pros and Cons of Living in France, Canada and the U.S.
What are some differences living in France, Canada or the United States? Here are my personal observations and opinions of all three.
Your Salary in Real-Time Compared to Others
How cool is this? Your salary and purchasing power in real-time, hour, day, week, month or year.. Top 5 Ranking: Oprah LeBron James Top CEO Orthopedic Surgeon Myself —
What would be your ideal city to live in?
eemusings talked about the tradeoffs she and T are making to live in New Zealand, and mentioned that Toronto was a possible contender, if not for our winters. I love these kinds of
You can’t afford that house if you need to find a paying tenant
Pretty self-explanatory no? I don’t know what keeps me interested in watching HGTV when people on there are so clearly clueless at times about what they’re doing with t
What it costs to buy a home versus renting one
Obviously as I don’t own a home, these are just estimations based on mortgage calculators I found online, and notes from other sites put into one big table. SCENARIO: MONTREA
You’re already as free, happy, and as rich as you want to be
Having more money won’t make a difference, really. People always think that the more that they save the more they’ll be free financially, which is true to some extent,