My Top 5 High Quality Clothing Brands I Shop At
I shop A LOT. As of late, I have been going into shops like Top Shop, Forever 21, H&M, Joe Fresh and ZARA as of late to sort of see what is trendy and what is there. The price
Shopping again, but to upgrade or replace items this time!
So I have finally hit on the sweet spot for shopping less this year for me. What works, is allowing myself to shop, but only to replace / upgrade items that are on their last legs.
Afternoon of Shopping with Sherry – Volume 1
...walking downtown.
Week of Money: Where I am sick but not as bad as before (Thank you Bio-K)
Banana Republich has done it again! LOVE their lineup.
A Week of Money: Where I just STOCK UP ON STUFF
I just bought everything I could think of buying for Black Friday.
A Week of Money: Where I live out my days like a vampire
This week, I signed up for yoga (so excited for it next week) and started thinking about organizing my life and selling off more things.
A Week of Money: Where Pre-School Drop Off is Finally Cry-Free
My Week of Money: Where pre-school drop off becomes much easier, and I have a very good week with Baby Bun.
A Week of Money: Macarons, Poke Bowls and Starbucks Double Star Days
A Week of Money: Where I spend more quality time with Baby Bun no matter how tired and it pays off.