Should you really be against wearing or buying fur?
I was thinking the other day about wearing fur. Fur animal coats (not the faux ones) to be specific. I had an instant sense of revulsion thinking about it, because it is as if I am
Living cruelty-free — is it really possible or just a pipe dream?
This post from Gia made me want to re-address the issue that I touched very lightly upon a while back about the hypocrisy of eating meat. I have no real theme throughout this post
I saw the worst behaved children on the subway yesterday
As the title says, I was on the subway the other day and saw three of the worst behaved children I have seen in all my years of riding the TTC. Yeah, I’ve seen a couple befor
Man’s relationship with the natural world
Thought-provoking, and kind of sickening, even in cartoon form. We really are a sick, abusive species.
What bothers me the most about eating meat – the hypocrisy
I am by no means a 100% vegetarian or a vegan, but what bothers me the most about people who eat meat, are the ones who say things like: “YUCK! I can’t stand seeing tha