In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: What it is like to be a male escort
An informative read on what it is like to be a male escort and why women choose to pay for sex too! I have been really lusting after these affordable Zella Breeze Wide-Leg pants. T
Canada Review: EQ Bank – Is it as safe & good as it seems?
Long story short, yes. I signed up for EQ bank probably about 2 years ago, and it was ONLY for their killer 2.3% interest rate on their high interest savings accounts. I found the
Week of Money: Where Coachella was a big dance party for Little Bun
DAY ONE ??:?? — WHY AM I AWAKE. Oh. Oh. TWO SNORERS. A baby one and a big one. Snoring away like there is no tomorrow. OMFG. I “shhhhhh” them as angrily as I can and
Why women should be able to depend on themselves financially
I cannot think of a better title than that. It sums up everything I am about, because I heard a story of a woman the other day who went back to her husband because she had expenses
Curated Closet Workbook Exercise: Styling my outfits & my comfort factor
Do you want people to notice your clothes? Yes and no. Yes in a good way, like “Hey I love that skirt”… or “Those shoes are amazing”.. but not in a ba
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Canadian Kardashians who make a living out of dating billionaires
Pssst! Poshmark Canada has launched. For a Limited Time Only, you can get $10 by using my referral code SHERRYISH to sign up (and I get $10 too once you make your first purchase).
Money Talk: Do you expect to get any inheritance from your family?
Do you expect to get any inheritance from your family? No. I don’t expect anything from my family or the government. I save for myself, I try to be self-sufficient so that no
Week of Money: Where my nausea comes back and I get my eyes checked
DAY ONE ??:?? — Still feeling a bit nauseous. ??:?? — I drag myself out of bed. 6:40 a.m. — I get up and make a cup of tea. Little Bun is so excited that we are going to the
Why I decided to quit my job early.
So, I was asked to stay on another extra month from my end date. I pondered it (another $20K in the pocket) but ultimately decided to quit early. I am not interested in being jerke
Curated Closet Workbook Exercise: Talking Silhouettes and Formulas
What type of silhouettes and fits did you wear most often? For example: skinny jeans, flared skirts, loose tops, fitted blazers and so on. Why? This outfit above is pretty common f