In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where cheerleaders make less than $3 an hour
Cheerleaders make about $2.75 an hour.. and other things you never knew about them. I find it interesting because I had no idea. Imagine all the money they have to spend to keep th
Money Talk: What do you want to leave behind (for kids or others)?
What do you want to leave behind (for kids or others)? My values. No seriously. My values that you have to work hard, be organized, don’t cut covers (be lazy), and to be a go
Week of Money: I still won’t leave the house with these eyebrows…
DAY ONE ??:?? — I am up. Not tired, but also not really rested. Little Bun was squealing during the night and putting his foot on my side, so obviously I slept terribly. 7:20 a.m
Getting tired of being lingually singled out
Do you know how many times people comment on how well I speak French ….. for a foreigner? I never thought I’d get it, but yeah, I am not born in Québec and not a Fran
Does anyone find smells of products overpowering these days?
I have no idea what it is, but in the past year or so, I have started to develop a real sensitivity to smells, namely to products that don’t use more natural fragrances or es
Should you pay rent to your spouse when you get married?
This is such a controversial topic, it instantly divides people. I am really stubborn and hardheaded so I clearly have my own strong opinions on this matter, which if you are a reg
Curated Closet Workbook Exercise: How do you like to shop for clothing?
What is your typical decision-making process when it comes to buying clothes? Totally random. I kind of browse, constantly. Online, in-person, observing what other women wear, noti
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where Bea Johnson is coming for your garbage. Zero waste, folks!
If Marie Kondo is coming for clutter, Bea Johnson is coming for your garbage. Specifically, to aim for zero waste. A very VERY interesting read. Aurélie Bidermann makes the most b
Ask Sherry: Thoughts on Montessori and my relationship with in-laws and my family
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Why do you have so many 3rd party trackers on your site? I di
Week of Money: Finally off on our trip..
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up tired. I could have used another hour. 6:26 a.m. — I grab his milk and just lie in bed, eyes closed. Won’t sleep, but I want to. 6:45 a.m. — L