Women Going Grey – Why is it still an issue?
A while back, I made a decision to myself that I was going to just let my hair naturally grey out. A few reasons why: A) I am simply too lazy to go every 6 weeks for a touchup I kn
Silver Spoons & Spoiling Children With Money
I recently read: Myth of the Silver Spoon and it made me feel a lot more confident and hopeful that I will be able to navigate being a parent who can now afford to give things to h
Tipping less, and thoughts on it all
People are tipping a lot less than before. I will have to say, I find this to have been inevitable, as with the inflationary pressures (rising cost of gas, groceries, life..) peopl
When $100 is not $100 – Why are some people so cheap?
I used to buy the cheapie electric toothbrushes, you know, the $30 ones. Only recently did I upgrade to a $100 electric toothbrush and I realized just how much of a difference it m
Living forever is not what it is cracked up to be
There are a few people obsessed with living forever. Some, to the point where they are trying to reverse age their bodies with expensive and painful procedures, while others are ju
How do men have second families?
I say “men” because women simply do not have them. At least, very VERY rarely, as in I have never heard of a woman having one, but I have heard of plenty of men (famous
Quiet Luxury ≠Oatmeal Sad Beige
I’m seeing a lot of notes going around now about quiet luxury, and how rich people (truly rich), invest in classic basics because they are rich and therefore don’t need to wear
Women with higher standards tend to be alone…
…and it is not their fault. It’s men who need to step TF up. I am hearing a lot of articles about how women have to lower their standards, or return back to becoming &#
Looking rich isn’t about the labels or logos
It quite simply is in the way you look. Your literal face… ….from the way your skin looks (clear, even-toned, unlined or very lightly lined if any at all, lack of pinch
What I read: The Spring Flowers Edition
BOOK COUNT FOR THE YEAR January: 4 February: 29 March: 21 April: 29 May: June: July: August: September: October: November: December: WHAT LITTLE BUN READ I can’t keep up to b