Investing Series: What to look out for when you’re investing (fees and other tactics)
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- This is by no means a com
Investing Series: What is Investing, exactly?
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- What I’ve noticed i
Who are the Billionaires of the World?
Bloomberg came out with an AMAZING tool that pretty much tracks every billionaire in the world. (As if we weren’t already nosy and annoying enough for them.) It comes in cart
The Meaning of Life is to Live in the Now
Do you ever wonder what the point of all this is? What the purpose of our lives are? Personally, I believe we all have a purpose in life, and that’s to live. Breathing in one
Being a single person is more expensive than being married
About 50% of people are single, and they sure can’t gain any tax advantages being single (even if they’re common-law partners), than if they were to legally get married
Why are thin people not fat? BBC Documentary
An interesting look at to why and how some people stay thin even without dieting, and eating whatever they want. I watched this a while back, but was reminded about it via a tweet
Could having too much money make you suicidal?
Time magazine came out with an article: Why suicides are more common in richer neighbourhoods, and says researcher Daniel Wilson (Senior Economist @ San Francisco Fed), found that
Organized Data: How to name files, folders and photographs
Some call me OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), when it comes to naming files, photos and folders, but I like to call it: organized. This is a peek into my world of data organiza
Where do the richest people in Canada live?
In Ontario apparently. Via Here are the numbers.. with my tongue-in-cheek commentary: Ontario: $86.75 billion — Proximity to U.S.A., Toronto is also very dynamic Quebec: $30.
Budgeting like a freelancer: Set yearly amounts and save the rest
So this year, I decided that I needed to start budgeting like a freelancer, rather than someone with a steady income. Most people tend to look at their net income each month, set a