Immortality and the Fountain of Youth: You can keep all of it, thank you very much!
I was reading through my Harry Potter books the other day, and it started a train of thought about death, our mortality and how it shapes the decisions we make, especially in reg
Louis Theroux: Under the Knife (Documentary) of Plastic Surgery
Please note that this video is definitely NOT safe for work (NSFW). You will see exposed breasts and some other surgical things that might make you feel uncomfortable, including so
Investing Series: Investing in Index Funds
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- There are plenty of reaso
16 Acts of Kindness: This should warm your cold heart…
It just makes me want to go out and do something randomly nice. (Got these from The Meta Picture. They post a lot of nice random things)
Want to read full RSS feeds in Google Reader? Use Chrome Super Full Feeds for Google Reader.
As the title says! You know how sometimes you find a great blog but ALAS they only let you have PARTIAL feeds? (Due to a number of reasons: Making you click through, Privacy issues
How much do your friends or family know about your money?
I was thinking about this the other day, about how much people in our lives know about our money. MY FAMILY: Almost nothing, and yet, almost everything. They know I make money at a
Want to know why I don’t read 95% of PF blogs and posts out there? Because it’s a waste of my time.
Blogging community, listen up! We need to change. I know I already ragged on you last week for being mean to others because of their lifestyle choices — be rich, don’t
Investing Series: What is a mutual fund?
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- Mutual funds sound scary,
Imagine if you were ‘Born Rich’: A documentary into the lives of those who were
This documentary was created by Jamie Johnson of Johnson & Johnson, who was then 23 years old, and an heir at his 21st birthday to part of the Johnson & Johnson fortune. Am
What ever happened to our food?
When I mention that I tend to buy organic ($$$) and/or more natural and unprocessed foods, I get one of two reactions: Wow that is EXPENSIVE!!!!!! — You’re telling me!?