A Seasonal Minimalist Wardrobe
Inspired by Frugal City Girl, who did a post on her 20 items for winter! Note: she lives in London England, where the weather is much milder than oh let’s say Montreal Canada
How living full-time in a hotel is cheaper than having an apartment
Living in a hotel full-time has been cheaper for me than in an apartment.
How do I know when I’ll become a millionaire?
WHAT DOES BECOMING A MILLIONAIRE MEAN? You could see it in two ways: becoming a millionaire in today’s dollars without inflation taken into account, or becoming a millionair
I was casually diagnosed at risk for suicide or ready to snap and kill someone
(I don’t know what made me think of writing about this today, but it popped in my head as I was reviewing my life, as I often do.) …but when I was a tween around 13 or
Investing Series: How to Build a Dividend Stock Portfolio
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- Building a dividen
Is a pre-nuptial agreement all that depressing?
Prenuptial agreements or prenups, are all the rage these days now that people are getting smarter about protecting their assets. WHAT IS A PRENUP? It’s simply an agreement th
The Homeless Billionaire – Minimalist Inspiration: Nicolas Berggruen
Nicolas Berggruen is worth $2.2 billion and is a minimalist at heart. He basically lives out of hotels, doesn’t own a fancy home, a car, or even a watch. Credit As Berggruen&
3 Stylish Accessories You Need: Create new outfits without breaking the bank!
Honestly if you want new outfits but have to stick to shopping your own closet, or are on a limited budget, it can be frustrating to read style blogs and then get the lust to go sh
Making thousands from virtual millions
I was thinking the other day about opportunities and connecting the dots. Gained, lost, wasted — whether or not we can see them in every corner and facet of our lives is an i
Investing Series: How to pay less than $200 in taxes for $50,000 of income
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- The following information