Investing Series: Ratios – Calculating Fair Value or Book Value of a Company
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- This calculation of ̶
The excuses I used to make and still make to get out of drinking socially
As if you need even more of a reason to think I’m odd, I don’t drink. I don’t like the taste, I don’t like how I feel when I drink and the only ways alcohol
Things I already do that are eco-friendly and good for the environment
This is going to sound a bit like a granola-crunching post, but it is something that has been on my mind for the past 4 years. It’s not so much that I want to turn into a hip
Top 5 Mistakes Freelancers Make
Here are some rather common mistakes made by freelancers that you should probably try and avoid. 1. FORGETTING TO INVOICE YOUR CLIENT You’re laughing in disbelief at this, bu
Western education is going down the toilet
So in a follow-up to my post about how we should stop seeing it as a bad thing to fail, I thought I’d share some observations I’ve had over the years of watching my mot
What do Canadians buy and spend their money on average? (2011)
StatsCan released some numbers on what Canadians spent in 2011. Their average Gross Income = $55,151 After taxes of $10,633, they have about $44,518 to spend. Click to biggify The
23andMe DNA Kit and Genetic Mapping Review
I got it for a deal for $99 on sale, and shipping cost $60 to Canada (return shipping included). Results will be posted online to my account, so no need to wait for any paper. I or
Investing Series: How does the capital gains tax work in Canada?
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- A common misconception I
The money mindset and traits of self-made millionaires
So Over Debt had a guest post that listed out traits of millionaires: Millionaires Possess Self-Motivation and Drive Millionaires Save Their Money Millionaires Invest in the Stock
Who are the top 1% in Canada?
The magic number from 2010 numbers is that you have to earn $201,400 to be considered in the top 1% of Canada. Via That means about $16,783.33 a month as an income. The rest (inclu