Why we don’t do gifts at Christmas or big events (Minimalist Christmas)
This is going to sound really weird to those of you who have followed me for a while, considering how much I love shopping and so on, but we actually do not do gifting at Christmas
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: It’s not in your head, he’s using weaponized incompetence
1. Weaponized incompetence This. Everything about this article… it’s … such a good read. Here’s an except to whet your appetite: “Rodsky went on to s
Week of Money: Where I go on an Hermès scarf buying spree
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up with Little Bun whispering: Good morning Mommy! … Even though he doesn’t let me sleep, you can’t help but love this morning start. 6:1
What I Read: The Start of Our Short Canadian Autumn Edition
Little Bun Reads: My First Book of Quantum Physics – We are doing a page a night, and we act out the scenarios too How to be good at math – We do a page a night, we are
2021 Gifts & Shops List: Ethical, Local, Eco-Friendly & Interesting in Canada
**Updated for December 2nd 2021 to include Québec local shops There are so many wonderful independent shops to buy from this year. Please consider them. I myself, am trying very h
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Fast Fashion is literally killing you
1. Fast ..Poison? Experts are warning of high levels of toxic chemicals present in cheap clothing, that could seriously affect consumers who wear them. Lead for instance, is ONE of
Week of Money: Where I am so happy I bought this Travel Scrabble Board
DAY ONE ??:?? — Little Bun crawls on top of me and gives me a massive hug to wake me. 6:20 a.m. — It looks like it might not rain today, so if that’s the case we can go o
You can’t just decide to retire in any country without a plan
One of the myths (?) or ideas floating around early retirement folks is the idea that you could save maybe $300K and fly off to another country to retire like a queen on $10K a yea
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Greenwashing and the addiction to synthetics
1. Greenwashing This is a serious issue. If you want to read up on fashion and in general, this article – Fashion Brands addiction to Synthetics was such a good read. Greenwa
Week of Money: Where it begins to get chilly
DAY ONE ??:?? — We wake up… LATE!?!? Well late for us. It’s almost 8. 8:03 a.m. — I am logged in and working. 11:59 a.m. — I do not know what it is about little b